Significant Town Trees?

Help us identify significant trees in Holliston!

Holliston Garden Club (HGC) Treespotters Committee and Friends of Trees are working to identify “Significant” trees on public land. This new project will list and identify our Town’s largest living creatures, our trees, in order to document them as part of our town’s history and preserve them. We would love the public’s help in nominating individual trees or groups of trees for special recognition! A tree may be nominated as “Significant” for its age, history, beauty, rarity, size, form or function. Some categories will allow the Town to apply for “Legacy Tree” status with the Mass Department of Conservation and Recreation.

Regardless of State recognition, the HGC is interested in providing an inventory of “Significant” trees to our Tree Warden, Conservation Commission, and other stakeholders for preservation and conservation purposes. Know of a significant tree in town? Click here to nominate a tree: Significant Tree Form.

We appreciate the public’s help in identifying these trees!

Want to know more about trees in Holliston? This page has a list of some of the trees that Holliston Garden Club has planted in town over the years.